Labin has introduced an ambitious aid scheme, which would provide exponential value to the local community
Despite wide support, critics of the bill point out that it lacks clear criteria for which sidewalks will take priority, as well as a clear policy for quality control
The facility will draw power from nearby solar and wind installations, but is that power better spent elsewhere?
In response to rising fuel costs, surging car prices and expanding environmental standards, this may provide an answer and convenience to the drivers of tomorrow
It could see the end of low-cost air travel to Hungary, as many airlines are still struggling to recover their pre-pandemic revenue levels
Labin has introduced an ambitious aid scheme, which would provide exponential value to the local community
The Nordic country, which recently also introduced health drones, is becoming a pioneer in flying robot innovation
The innovative device will work together with a waste hunter drone to ensure that the blue areas of the city stay pristine
Get inspired by examples from leading European cities and discover innovative ways to make persons with disabilities part of the digital transformation
The move is meant to offer convenience and savings for consumers on the continent
The Nordic country, which recently also introduced health drones, is becoming a pioneer in flying robot innovation
The facility will draw power from nearby solar and wind installations, but is that power better spent elsewhere?
This will be a way to boost the popularity of sustainable vehicles among the next generations
The city of Aarhus is the worst in this regard, where many cyclists opt to ride in the opposite direction of traffic
The city of Aarhus is the worst in this regard, where many cyclists opt to ride in the opposite direction of traffic
As it is the semicentennial anniversary of the event, the 2022 pattern will mimic the very first flower carpet from 1971
It could see the end of low-cost air travel to Hungary, as many airlines are still struggling to recover their pre-pandemic revenue levels
As it is the semicentennial anniversary of the event, the 2022 pattern will mimic the very first flower carpet from 1971
According to the Eurostat report, women are significantly more educated than men in the EU
Never too early to fall in love with soft mobility
According to a recent report by the European Environmental Agency, around 85% of bathing spots in the EU are of excellent status, but not all waters were made equal
Prague reveals the worrying data but also suggests some solutions
Testing out the energy drone
The Nordic country, which recently also introduced health drones, is becoming a pioneer in flying robot innovation
Following several years of testing and development, the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) announced that it has developed a flying drone which can connect directly to high-voltage power lines and recharge its battery without having to return to base. The exciting innovation was presented with a test in central Odense, Denmark’s third-largest city.
The invention was developed within the framework of the Drones4Energy project, which itself is one of several similar projects aimed at testing the capability of the flying machine in different sectors of life. The self-charging drones in question will be used to inspect the 7000-kilometre electric grid network of Denmark and provide better accuracy, more efficiency and safety for the employees of the energy supplier Energinet.
“Now we have shown that we can land on the (power) line and charge directly. This means that we can let swarms of autonomous drones place sensors and inspect the wires, which today must be disconnected and inspected by humans using lifts and helicopters,” explained Emad Samuel Malki Ebeid, a researcher at SDU.
According to Energinet, the drones will be used for inspections and for the placement of sensors, which will allow the real-time monitoring of the electrical grid. Up till now, the placing of sensors was laborious, which involved having to turn off parts of the line and having people climb to place them manually. The result is that not too many sensors have been installed, but with the help of the flying devices, this is about to change.
The Drones4Energy project, which was launched in 2018, has been followed by a new project called Drones4Safety. In the latter, the focus is on inspecting bridges and railways, but the safety drones will also be charging their batteries by connecting to the nearby power lines.
‘Health Drone’ is the third project involving the flying robots. Last week, a partnership of researchers from SDU and medical doctors from Odense University Hospital launched health drones for transporting blood samples and medicine on South Funen Island.
It could see the end of low-cost air travel to Hungary, as many airlines are still struggling to recover their pre-pandemic revenue levels
Labin has introduced an ambitious aid scheme, which would provide exponential value to the local community
Candidates should demonstrate love for values, such as freedom, equality and solidarity
The Nordic country, which recently also introduced health drones, is becoming a pioneer in flying robot innovation
Get inspired by examples from leading European cities and discover innovative ways to make persons with disabilities part of the digital transformation
The innovative device will work together with a waste hunter drone to ensure that the blue areas of the city stay pristine
This will be a way to boost the popularity of sustainable vehicles among the next generations
The city of Aarhus is the worst in this regard, where many cyclists opt to ride in the opposite direction of traffic
The Nordic country, which recently also introduced health drones, is becoming a pioneer in flying robot innovation
It could see the end of low-cost air travel to Hungary, as many airlines are still struggling to recover their pre-pandemic revenue levels
As it is the semicentennial anniversary of the event, the 2022 pattern will mimic the very first flower carpet from 1971
This is a public space to channel the creative energy of street artists
These will be spread across 11 EU countries and will serve to support the EU Missions
The European Commission has accepted to develop the idea
An interview about AYR, one of the 2021 New European Bauhaus Prize winners
An interview with Nigel Jollands and Sue Goeransson from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
An interview with the President of the City of Athens Reception & Solidarity Centre
A talk with the Mayor of Malmö on the occasion of the city’s UN Resilience Hub status